Keywords: population reproduction, fertility, mortality, depopulation, war


The article is devoted to the problems of population reproduction in Ukraine in the period before the full-scale Russian invasion. The purpose of the work was to analyze the specific features of the latest demographic dynamics and to assess the state of natural reproduction of the population before the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. This paper also aimed to determine the main directions of effects of war events on demographic reproduction, as well as to outline the consequences of the Russian invasion for the processes of natural population movement in Ukraine. The work uses general statistical as along with specific demographic methods: analysis of dynamics, population reproduction mode, graphic method. Techniques of demographic history periodization and international comparisons are involved in the research. The conducted analysis showed that after a relatively favorable period of increasing fertility (2002-2012 years) and a steady decrease in mortality (2008-2013 years) and a certain decrease in the scale of depopulation in Ukraine, already in 2014-2021 years there was a deterioration of the parameters of natural population movement in Ukraine. The military-political and economic instability during this period was exacerbated (in recent years) by the COVID-19 epidemic, which caused a significant increase in the scale and intensity of depopulation in the country. Therefore, Ukraine approached the full-scale war aggression unleashed by the Russian Federation against our country with an extremely unfavorable situation regarding demographic reproduction. The consequences of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation for the reproduction of the population of Ukraine will also be really negative and long-term, they will affect the reproduction of the population for a long period of time after the victory of our country in this war. The results of this study can serve as a basis for further assessment of the demographic losses of Ukraine during the war and a basis for the formation of socio-demographic policy in the period of the country's post-war development.


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How to Cite
Kurylo, I. (2022). POPULATION REPRODUCTION IN UKRAINE BEFORE FULLSCALE RUSSIAN INVASION. Economy and Society, (42). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-42-41