Keywords: management system, competitiveness, entrepreneurship, competition


The article considers the system characteristics of the management of competitiveness of the enterprise. The definitions of the concept of "management of competitiveness of the enterprise" are analyzed. The components of the enterprise competitiveness management system have been assessed. It is noted that a systematic approach to managing the competitiveness of an enterprise involves considering the object of management as an integral model and the need to ensure the interconnection of all its components. The main elements of the enterprise competitiveness management system are investigated. It is confirmed that a change in one of the elements of the competitiveness management system leads to a change in other elements. It has been established that the enterprise competitiveness management system reflects a multifunctional system consisting of interrelated elements that form a certain integrity. It is proved that the structure of the competitiveness management system is formed by structural elements, the implementation of which provides an effective solution to management decisions. The main directions of the enterprise competitiveness management system are given. It is emphasized that in accordance with the tasks that are formed at the entrance of the competitiveness management system, the enterprise must ensure the conduct of marketing research, monitoring of the main competitors, develop possible development scenarios, select the most profitable options and provide conditions for the implementation of the developed marketing strategy. It is indicated that civilized competition of product manufacturers in the market is impossible without solving such tasks as establishing requirements for the quality and safety of goods, works and services, regulating methods of forming relationships that arise in the process of trade, and having objective information about products. It was concluded that in enterprises, along with the quality system, it is necessary to implement systems that interact and complement it and ensure quality and competitiveness at optimal costs and, as a result, profit for the manufacturer and a competitive price for quality products.


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How to Cite
Baldynyuk, V. (2022). COMPANY COMPETITIVENESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economy and Society, (42).