Keywords: inclusiveness, convergence, continuity, united territorial communities, districts, levels of rural-urban agglomerations


The article highlights an actual scientific problem related to the continuous-convergent context of the inclusiveness of the united territorial communities (UTC) and districts as rural-urban agglomeration formations. In the process of research, was formulate dthe tasks of determining the essence of inclusiveness of these socio-spatial formations, analyzing the gradual development of inclusiveness in rural-urban agglomerations of Ukraine, revealing its differences. In order to implement these tasks, the theoretical achievements of Ukrainian and foreign scientists on issues of inclusive development, systemic and synergistic approaches, methods of comparison, analysis and synthesis were creatively used. To assess the degree and level of inclusiveness of these rural-urban spatial formations, the inclusive development index presented in 2018 at the 48th World Economic Forum, which is calculated on the basis of 12 indicators, namely: growth and development (GDP growth, employment, productivity labor, life expectancy); inclusiveness (median household income, poverty level and social stratification); succession of generations and sustainability (level of savings, demographic burden, public debt and environmental pollution). It has been proven that the decentralization of public power and management started in 2015 through the unification of territorial communities and the formation of new districts (year 2020) created the prerequisites for overcoming socio-economic inequality between the city and the countryside. The administrative method of forming a certain prototype of the inclusion of rural and urban communities within the UTC and districts is considered as the first step towards the real integration of rural and urban communities. Taking into account the presence of stable traditions regarding the study of the phenomenon of inclusiveness in Western countries, the expediency of creative use of the experience of these countries, as well as developing countries, is emphasized. Based on the results of the research, it was established that there is a risk of forming a rural-urban inclusive environment with a dominant rural component, with its established marginality and peripherality. In order to prevent this risk, the conditions for creating an integrated inclusive space are outlined, in which the advantages of rural and urban ways of life are converted and the interests of different communities are taken into account. It was concluded that the most relevant direction of further scientific research regarding the process of formation of inclusive UTCs and districts is tracking the rural or urban focus of this process.


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How to Cite
Pavlov, O., Pavlova, I., & Pavlov – junior, O. (2022). INCLUSIVENESS OF UNITED TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES AND DISTRICTS OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (42).