Keywords: management, communications, enterprise, development strategy, communication management


The article researches the mechanism of improving communication management methods as an element of strategic management of enterprise development processes. The relevance of the issue of improving approaches to the formation of an assessment of the market-oriented communicative space of the enterprise is proven. The concept of enterprise development strategy as a system of principles that takes into account the uncertainty and dynamism of the environment when implementing the organization's goals and achieving competitive advantages due to the complication of the structure of connections (communications) of the external and internal environment is clarified. During the study, two sides were distinguished in the process of strategic management: operation management and development management. The application of the system approach in the work made it possible to highlight the role of cyclicality in the task of strategy implementation as a property of the strategic process of repetition, undergoing changes in the process of enterprise development. The goal of the implementation of the development strategy has been determined – the steady growth of the competitiveness of products and the competitive position of the enterprise. The concept of communicative management as a process of interaction of producers, consumers, institutions and subjects of the market infrastructure, coordinated within the framework of specialized management activities, is substantiated. The use of the cybernetic approach made it possible to justify the author's vision of the information essence of management, when the level of organization is determined by the availability of information, which ensures the limitation of the system’s inherent tendencies to increase diversity. An approach to the target vector of communicative management is proposed: the implementation of the development strategy through the increase of all types of capital of the economic system. As part of the set of solved tasks in the structure of communicative management, along with the widely used tools of communicative interaction, the author has selected tools for managing communication activities.


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