Keywords: accounting, digital economy, information technology, digitization, digital accounting, blockchain


The influence of information technologies on content and organizational changes in modern processes of organization of accounting practice is revealed. The nature and main trends of the use of information technology tools in the general management system under modern global digitalization are given. Ways of integrating the accounting information system with other structural divisions of the enterprise and external users determined by these processes have been studied. An analysis of existing trends in the implementation of various types of IT technology tools (cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data, blockchain, etc.) into the accounting system was carried out. The main advantages and problematic aspects of their use in accounting practice are summarized. The key advantages of the introduction of new technologies are recognized as the possibility of optimizing accounting procedures and expanding stakeholders' access to consolidated accounting data and public reporting information. Their use provides a higher level of work with accounting information in real time and transparency of operations. Based on the results of the study, it is argued that the modern dynamism of technological and informational development (digitalization of the economic space) objectively determines the modernization of the general approach to accounting, focusing on the practical adaptation of its methodology and organizational forms. The study is based on the dialectical method in the context of the development of the digital economy, which provided the justification for individual proposals regarding the formation of a new accounting paradigm. In order to solve the problem points of the researched tools and techniques noted in the article, it is necessary to further test them in practice, permanently monitor their changes and track the criterion of adequacy of a new type of technological innovation for the accounting system. A promising direction of further scientific research is the search for effective and practical tools and methods of digitalization of accounting in the conditions of total digitalization.


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