Keywords: expenses, enterprise, level of expenses, economic efficiency, efficiency indicator


The purpose of this study is to consider indicators of the relative level of costs as a tool for analyzing the efficiency of enterprises. The relevance of the study is due to the need of many enterprises to increase profitability and increase the financial and economic results of their operation on the basis of rationalization of the balance between these results and costs incurred. Such rationalization requires a preliminary assessment of the existing level of the specified ratio. To achieve the goal and solve the objectives of the study in the work the following general and special methods are used: theoretical generalization – in determining the main principles of estimating the level of expenses of enterprises; modeling – when building business efficiency indicators; grouping – when grouping indicators of the relative level of expenses; abstraction – when studying the relationship between indicators of the relative level of costs and indicators of the economic efficiency of activities, etc. The main tasks that must be solved in the process of assessing the relative level of costs of enterprises are given. A list of principles for assessing the relative level of costs of business entities is provided. The grouping of indicators for assessing the relative level of expenses of enterprises, in particular, according to the following characteristics: according to the construction of the analytical expression of the indicator, according to the purpose of using the indicators, according to the degree of generalization, according to the nature of expenses, according to the direction of expenses, etc. It is proved that there is a close connection between the indicators of the relative level of the company's expenses and the indicators of measuring the economic efficiency of economic activity. It is shown that the relative level of costs is directly related to the generalized indicator of economic efficiency assessment of economic activity. The obtained results can be applied in the practice of economic activity of enterprises in the process of forming a set of economic, technical and organizational measures for cost management. This will increase the validity of these measures and improve the results of their implementation.


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