• Liudmyla Yelisieieva Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University
Keywords: antisocial capital, , negative externalities, paternalism, corruption, social norm


In the article the economic essence, the main forms, network effects of antisocial capital are analyzed. The economic nature of "erosion" of social capital and its connection with negative externalities are revealed. The formation of the fundamentals of the concept of anti-social capital in the works of R. Patneum, J. Coleman, F. Fukuyama is explored. Based on the M. Waren concept, the main forms of social / antisocial capital are determined, which depend on the levels of access to resources, trust and the spread of reciprocity norms. The article substantiates which forms of social capital are most often subject to erosion and cause the emergence of antisocial capital. It is found that intolerance and sectarianism are the result of the deformation of closed social capital. It is pointed out that antisocial capital can manifest itself in the social, political, economic spheres, the classic examples of which are organized crime in Colombia, political corruption in Italy, and the economic system of prosecution in the USSR, respectively. The example of Columbia explored how high levels of trust in exchange and willingness of families to open and accept outsiders became the foundation for the emergence of the Medillín cartel, which caused significant economic and social negative effects for the national economy and society as a whole. It is established that the system of blat in the Soviet Union is also a form of antisocial capital, which created significant negative externalities. It was found that blatts violated the economic freedoms of other participants and did not create incentives for improving the existing economic system. Paternalism has been investigated as a form of antisocial capital and the conditions for its development. The evolution of paternalistic society in Ukraine from the time of independence and the main risks of its transformation have been analyzed. The dynamics of paternalistic sentiments of Ukrainian society has been researched according to the results of studies of the World Values Survey and national sociological services. Some preconditions of development of other forms of antisocial capital – corruption, nepotism, terrorism, clientism, etc. were revealed.


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Yelisieieva, L. (2019). ANTISOCIAL CAPITAL AND ITS NETWORK EFFECTS. Economy and Society, (20). Retrieved from