• Tamara Makukh Separate structural subdivision of higher education institution "Open international university of human development "Ukraine" Rivne institute https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7120-7231
Keywords: financial resources, production, unemployment, efficiency, effectiveness, management, planning, assets, capital


Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, there is a reduction in production, declining purchasing power, rising unemployment. Enterprises, with sufficient material, human, time and information resources, move to a new level of management of economic activity, are restructured into less vulnerable forms of economic activity, reorganization or association with other economic entities. This is achieved through proper financial management, which includes the management of assets, working capital, expenses, profits. Therefore, there is a need to create a management model that would satisfy the activities with the necessary amount of financial resources to operate in such a crisis situation. The proposed scheme of forming a model of financial resources management should take into account the dynamics of macroeconomic processes, trends in domestic financial markets, opportunities for diversification, etc., to achieve positive results. The scheme of financial resources management, taking into account financial opportunities, objectively assessing the nature of internal and external factors, should subordinate all components in the overall planning of economic development and aim to optimize financial activities, profits and market capitalization. Financial resources management is characterized as a multi-component oriented model of actions, measures and algorithms required to achieve long-term goals in the overall development policy for the formation and implementation of financial and resource potential. Given the above, the scheme of the financial management model should be based on the following interdependent blocks: purpose and objectives; levels of implementation; external and internal factors of formation; limitation; tools and methods of implementation; effectiveness.


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How to Cite
Makukh, T. (2021). FLOW DIAGRAM OF FORMING OF STRATEGIC CASE FINANCIAL RESOURCES FRAME. Economy and Society, (25). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-25-5