Keywords: hotel, catering, sea tourism, non-standard services, service


This article offers modern solutions for a resort hotel in the city of Primorsk, Zaporozhye region, which are associated with sea excursions and a modern approach to catering. Domestic hotels attract new guests with non-standard services, amenities, friendly atmosphere, recreation, atmosphere, romance, emotions, adrenaline. A number of sea excursions of different duration are offered, which will be accompanied by catering. Catering is currently one of the most dynamic sectors of the restaurant business in Ukraine, where there is high competition. For the organization of catering services on ships, it is necessary to provide equipment that will fully meet the requirements of mobility, will provide high consumer performance of restaurant products. One of the ways to serve food in an original way can be the use of non-standard utensils. For example, you can use glass jars or glasses for soup, and deep plates for desserts or snacks. A feature of catering at the hotel will be the ability to implement a themed menu on request. In addition, it is important not only to supply food, but also to organize appropriate mass events. In addition to listening to excursions on ships, it is also advisable to involve guests in the process of creating or preparing meals – the most relevant method of entertaining guests today. Water tourism in the city of Primorsk can be represented by travel on sea waves. Transport in this case can be a yacht, a pleasure boat, and a speedboat. The most interesting and original walks from the point of view of some tourists are kayaking. But this type of recreation is suitable for physically fit tourists. Most prefer a more fashionable vacation on relatively large ships: a motor boat, a pleasure yacht. Active recreation at sea is much more interesting than a traditional lazy vacation on the beach. These are completely new sensations and emotions, an interesting look at the usual landscapes of the coast, a great way to unite a team of friends, colleagues or family members. Therefore, resort hotels should expand the list of additional features in order to have an advantage over competitors and attract more customers.


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How to Cite
Kyrpichenkova, O., Ushchapovsky, A., & Bobrova, Y. (2021). MODERN DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF RESORT HOTEL. Economy and Society, (25).

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