Keywords: rural tourism, community traditions, protection of the environment from degradation, control of technogenic impact, environmental education, ecotourism, community


The article is devoted to the study of rural tourism as a promising field of activity in the market of tourist services. During the work on the material, we became involved in the consideration of several issues associated with the low level of employment and unemployment of the rural population, the lack of jobs, and the passivity of the community itself. Biodiversity of natural landscapes, historical heritage, and cultural and demographic potential are the basis for the development of rural, ecological, and agro-tourism. The combination of three main factors for sustainable tourism development in rural areas can induce the implementation of the following basic principles: nature conservation (protection of the environment from degradation, control of man-made impacts in rural areas); economic (creating an economic microclimate in the region, developing industrial production, creating jobs, curbing the outflow of the rural population); social (provide protection and inviolability of the spiritual, cultural and historical diversity of the regions, the favourable influence of tourism on the diversity of established customs and traditions of the local community). A SWOT analysis of the direct and indirect factors of the development of rural green tourism (agro-tourism, agro-ecotourism) in Ukraine is carried out, the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of rural tourism are highlighted; new opportunities for territorial communities and local governments, taking into account the land reform; preservation of natural sites and restoration of historical and cultural sites. We consider the participation of communities in grants of the European Union, micro-projects competitions in the context of the development of rural areas as priority areas for the development of rural tourism; education and environmental education of tourists in the context of the development of eco-friendly forms of tourism in rural areas; education and enlightenment of tourists in the context of traditional culture, ethnography, customs, rituals and everyday life of a particular region; revival and development of forgotten cultural traditions and crafts. The main consumers of rural green tourism services in Ukraine and the motivation and determinants of the need for recreation in rural areas of Ukrainian citizens have been identified.


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How to Cite
Zhyvko, Z., Borutska, Y., & Rii, M. (2021). FACTORS OF AGRICULTURAL GREEN TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (25). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-25-25