Keywords: tourism, sphere of tourism, tourist staff, tourism specialists, training of tourist staff


To successfully solve the problems of tourism development, it is necessary to actively form human resources, provide qualified training of employees, create new specialties in the field of tourism in accordance with the needs of the market. Tourism cannot develop without the professionals employed in it. The relevance of the topic is explained by the fact that the tourism sector is developing and gaining momentum, so there is a question of improving staffing systems and improving the skills of tourism workers. There is an increase in the requirements for the level of competence, experience and professionalism of specialists in the field of tourism. The task of the article is to study the process of training tourism staff in Ukraine, and identify problems in this area. The article presents the program directions of training of specialists in the field of tourism and mandatory components, which should include professional training of tourism workers in universities. It is now recognized that the main purpose of continuing vocational education is professional competence, which includes professionalism, the right and responsibility for decision-making, communication skills, independence, skills of rapid adaptation, professional mobility. The main problem of tourist training has been identified: despite the large amount of theoretical knowledge, university graduates are critically lacking in practical skills. Most educational institutions in Ukraine produce specialists who have no practical experience in hotels. Therefore, it can be argued that the lack of sufficient practical skills does not allow the full development of the tourism industry. Businesses need to train directly in the workplace, wasting time and money. At the same time, vocational tourism education institutions are interested in the competitiveness of their graduates in the labor market, as this may form cooperation between the tourism enterprise and the educational institution itself. In conclusion, in Ukraine, in the training of tourism personnel it is necessary to create a closer link between educational institutions where tourism professionals are trained and enterprises in this field, as both parties are interested in quality training of tourism professionals.


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How to Cite
Lukianets, A. (2021). TRAINING OF TRAVEL STAFF. Economy and Society, (25).