Keywords: social development, transformation, ecological safety, degrowth, theoretical model, greening


The research is devoted to the actual problem of forming the concept of ecologically friendly social development, which substantiates the relevance of this problem because of the domestic economy state and the state of the environment. The theoretical analysis of the main provisions and directions of ecological ethics was carried out; their influence on consciousness and behavior of the person in ecological and economic systems was analyzed. The relationship and interaction of environmental ethics, social ecology, environmental philosophy, and environmental economics were considered. The most acceptable provisions of environmental ethics are highlighted, taking into account modern realities and their impact on the ecological and economic system and social development. Theoretical bases and basic approaches to ensuring ecologically friendly development were investigated; their structuring and analysis were carried out. The basic concepts of transformation of social development into ecologically friendly were considered and their theoretical analysis was carried out, the basic advantages and lacks the specified concepts taking into account a current condition of economy and environment were allocated. Taking into account empirical researches and results of a comparison of the main provisions the necessity of introducing the basic provisions of the concept of degrowth for the state economic and ecological safety maintenance was concluded. Detailed analysis and characterization of the key provisions of the concept of degrowth. The theoretical background of the concept was analyzed; its main goals and objectives were formed. Moreover the main advantages and disadvantages of degrowth were considered, their possible impact on the ecological and economic system was analyzed; the key provisions of this concept were highlighted. Based on the results of the analysis, a theoretical model of ecologically friendly development of the state was developed, which provides for the development of a certain direction of environmental ethics, formation of the most acceptable ecological worldview, based on the concept of degrowth and provides intensive greening of all spheres of human activity.


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