Keywords: structural funds, cross-border imbalance, Euro regional alignment, European integration processes, regional policy, regional development agencies


The acquisition by the Ukrainian economy of innovative development features entails corresponding shifts in the priority areas of alignment of Euro-regional activities. The article is devoted to current issues of using the opportunities for financing projects of problem areas in the Ukraine-EU Euro regions, European structural funds, which at the moment is the "Cohesion Fund", "European Regional Development Fund", "European Social Fund". All this is associated with the constant adaptation and harmonization of forms and standards of management of development projects of EU countries, reforming the institutions of co-financing the development of problem Euro regions. Analyzes the activities of structural funds that are perceived ambiguously, having both supporters and opponents. This is due to the fact that most regions on both sides of the border are characterized by different levels of development and structure of the economic complex, the predominance or absence of agglomeration, the degree of development of transport communications, and socio-economic problems. The directions of eliminating the imbalance of Euro regional development are investigated. It is proved that the most effective tool of state influence on the development of the region are the funds of regional development. The main thing is the task of which is to accumulate funds to finance cross-border co-production activities. The main functions of regional development agencies, through which unemployment, inflation and support for underdeveloped regions will be reduced, are highlighted. Reducing regional differences and supporting Euro regions are the EU's strategic goals, which are based on economic integration, leading to a single market that is designed to ensure the free movement of people, capital, goods and services. Solving the problem of alignment of the country's regions potentially it will have a synergistic effect. This effect will apply to almost everything aspects of the life of the country and society, will determine the conditions for sustainable social development economic development, as well as human and social development. Non-interference in these processes can lead to the aggravation of regional imbalances, since its most likely result may be the concentration of the most competitive sectors of the economy in some regions and the concentration of economic backwardness in others.


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How to Cite
Redkva, O., & Tsekhanovych, V. (2021). STRUCTURAL FUNDS IN THE EURO REGIONAL ALIGNMENT SYSTEM. Economy and Society, (25).