Keywords: advanced training, accounting in the public sector, quality of advanced training, statistical methods of education quality


In the conditions of waging a war of liberation, one of the primary tasks is to achieve the most efficient management of public finances, a significant part of which is the financial assistance of the governments of the democratic countries of the world and international financial organizations. Prolongation of international financial assistance can take place only under the conditions of implementation of the strategy of reforming the system of public finance management, as well as completion of the transformation of the accounting system in the public sector. The above actualizes the need to improve the qualification of accountants of public sector entities, in particular, to determine the requirements for its content, as well as to determine the methodology of its statistical qualification. The research was conducted using: the dialectical method; the bibliographic method, which made it possible to determine the level of studying and solving the problems of transformation of accounting in the public sector, modern requirements for the content of professional development of accountants in the public sector, as well as directions for the quality of educational services; statistical methods (questionnaires, grouping, summary, correlation analysis), the application of which made it possible to conduct a statistical qualitative assessment of the content and results of the approved program of professional development of accountants of public sector entities; generalization for formulating research conclusions. It has been established that the qualification improvement of accountants of public sector entities should: form an idea of the latest changes in normative legal acts that directly regulate and affect accounting in the public sector; provide trainees with the necessary tools to perform professional tasks; cover a range of topics, the information of which will provide the necessary competence. It was determined that the advanced training program should: meet specific training needs and change depending on the category of trainees, their education and work experience, job requirements; eliminate the lack of professional knowledge and skills. The proposed methodology for assessing the quality of the content and the results of professional development should be supplemented with an analysis of the relationship between the level of knowledge acquired by students based on the results of testing modules and initial control, as well as the dependence of the level of knowledge of students based on the results of the final test on the level of knowledge based on the modules of the program. The practical value of the conducted research lies in the possibility of further updating the content and improving the quality of the results of professional development.


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