Keywords: marketing, tourism, digitalization, innovations, information systems, communication technologies, tourism management system


It has been proven that in today's realities, tourism can be restored only under the conditions of the introduction of innovative technologies. In order to work at full capacity, Ukrainian travel agencies are looking for innovative ways of development and are gradually opening up opportunities on the European market and in other countries. It is well-founded that the introduction of digital technologies, such as online booking systems, virtual tours and digital marketing platforms, has made it easier for tourists to plan and book trips to Ukraine. The classification of landmarks of scientific and technical developments and research in the field of tourism information technologies is given. Innovation is a key factor in the field of tourism in the context of the development of digital technologies. It was determined that an effective system and high quality of communication is a condition for the sustainable development of the tourism business, raising its standards, as well as success in the field of tourism. The main problems of ensuring appropriate conditions for the development of rural green tourism in communities are: low level of quality and comfort, which are necessary to meet the needs of both domestic and foreign tourists; preserving the cleanliness of the environment; poor communication (roads in rural areas are in extremely poor condition); peasants' ignorance of a foreign language; there is strong competition from neighboring areas that offer better infrastructure and connections. But the biggest problem is the lack of information support for both national and foreign tourists about possible tourist routes and attractive areas for recreation in communities. Therefore, the management of information and communication policy is one of the most important components of social and cultural service and tourism. The effectiveness of the use of information technologies largely determines the productivity of activities in the field of tourism business, for which the reliability and efficiency of collecting, processing and transmitting information are becoming more and more relevant. In today's realities, tourism can be restored only under the conditions of the introduction of innovative technologies. In order to work at full capacity, Ukrainian travel agencies are looking for innovative ways of development and are gradually opening up opportunities on the European market and in other countries. Therefore, the key question for the Ukrainian tourism industry is what innovative methods of anti-crisis management can be used to revive the industry.


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How to Cite
Podzihun, S., Maliarchuk, N., & Liubyvyi, O. (2023). MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION POLICY IN THE SPHERE OF TOURISM. Economy and Society, (53).