Keywords: enterprise, innovative activity, infrastructural support, organizational resource base, planning, product innovation


The purpose of this study is to develop methodological principles for planning infrastructure support for innovative activities of enterprises. The relevance of the study is caused by the need to intensify the innovative activities of many Ukrainian enterprises. At the same time, there are a number of obstacles on the way to such activation, which will be helped to overcome by infrastructural support of the innovative activities of enterprises. Since it, as a rule, requires enterprises to incur additional monetary costs, there is a need for proper justification of the feasibility of such provision. This, in turn, necessitates the development of methodological principles for planning infrastructure support for innovative activities. In order to achieve the goal and solve the research tasks, the following general scientific and special methods are used in the work: theoretical generalization – when developing a mechanism for planning infrastructure support for innovative activities of enterprises; modeling – when building a model of substantiation of the feasibility of providing services to the enterprise by subjects of infrastructural support of innovative activity; grouping – when allocating blocks of information necessary for planning the infrastructural support of the processes of development and implementation of product innovations at enterprises; abstraction – when creating a planning mechanism for infrastructural provision of the processes of development, implementation, production and sale by the enterprise of product innovations, etc. It is shown that the planning of infrastructural provision of innovative activities of enterprises should take place in view of the organizational and resource base of such activities available to them. The main areas of infrastructural support of innovative activities of the enterprise have been established, for each of which planned calculations and justification of the feasibility of their implementation must be performed. Blocks of information necessary for planning the infrastructural support of the processes of development and implementation of product innovations at enterprises have been determined. A model of substantiation of the feasibility of providing services to the enterprise by subjects of infrastructural support of innovative activity has been built. A mechanism for planning such provision is proposed. Methodological principles developed in the course of the research can be used to substantiate innovative strategies of business entities.


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