Keywords: vegetable market, adaptive measures, selective regulation, food security, added value, market resilience


The article highlights the peculiarities of the development of vegetable commodity markets and the main problems. The features of demand for vegetable products in modern conditions are analyzed. The author proposes a number of regulatory measures aimed at supporting the main links of vegetable production and the formation of regional sales markets. The author focuses on the problems of raw material supply of vegetable processing enterprises, restructuring of economic relations between raw materials and processing, formation of multifunctional cooperatives of vegetable producers for their primary processing and storage in household markets, objective redistribution of value added in the market process of pricing vegetable products. The key factors influencing the development of the vegetable market in Ukraine are analyzed, taking into account geographical and economic factors, as well as the current conditions of martial law. It is noted that in the conditions of martial law and post-war economic reconstruction, the export of vegetable raw materials should be carried out on a residual basis by introducing export quotas for a number of vegetable products. The main mechanisms that can be used to increase the production of vegetable products and improve their profitability are highlighted. Attention is focused on the increase in demand for organic vegetable products, which makes it possible to actively develop this segment of production. The article presents the optimal system of necessary adaptation measures, the implementation of which will allow regulating the development of the vegetable market of Ukraine in the context of economic and geopolitical instability on the basis of selective and reproductive approaches. The mechanisms of state support and regulation are proposed, the existing mechanisms and instruments for increasing the production of vegetable products in territorial municipalities are considered. It is substantiated that the application of a system of such measures will ensure the sustainability of the vegetable market, which, in turn, is the basis of the state's food security.


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How to Cite
Shvets , V. (2023). FEATURES AND CHALLENGES OF THE VEGETABLE MARKET DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (58). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-58-64