Keywords: value added, chain, international value added chain, global value added chains, global economy, creative business environment


The growth of the global volume of international trade and investment strengthens the importance of international chains of added value. Companies are increasingly involved in global production chains to ensure efficiency and competitiveness. Countries and enterprises in search of optimal production strategies seek specialization in certain production segments and maximization of efficiency through participation in global value added chains. The article reveals the essence and importance of international chains of added value in the global economy. A study of the structure and functioning of these chains, as well as their impact on the economic development of countries and the creative business environment, was carried out. It was determined that Ukrainian scientists made an important contribution to the understanding of this phenomenon by presenting the definition of value-added chains and considering them as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy. The definition of international chains of added value is provided, namely, they are defined as a concept that describes processes and connections in global economic relations, when the production of goods and services is distributed among several countries. The main features of international chains of added value are analyzed. It was determined that the structure of international chains of added value can be quite complex and include several stages that interact with each other, so the main components of the structure of such chains are considered in the article. A number of main features and features that determine the role of international chains of added value in the modern global economy are analyzed. The article defines that international chains of added value are a complex and important element of the global economy, which is determined by global specialization, a high level of integration and interaction of different countries and sectors. Ukrainian scientists have made an important contribution to the understanding and research of this phenomenon, investigating the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation, analysis and measurement of added value chains. Their research has become an important contribution to the development of strategies for effective management of production, marketing and international trade, as well as to the development of policies aimed at ensuring the competitiveness and sustainable development of national and global economies. Further study and development of this topic play an important role in the formation of strategies for enterprises and countries in the changing conditions of the world economy.


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