Keywords: intangible resources, audit of intangible assets, audit improvement, audit procedures, analytical procedures, inspection, accounting of intangible assets, improvement of auditors' knowledge


In the process of establishing market relations in Ukraine non-material assets are becoming more and more a part of corporate assets. Today it is important to create conditions that attract large volumes of investments in order to increase the profitability of enterprises. For this purpose, investors must be convinced that the money they have invested really can bring the expected benefits. Therefore, managers must pay special attention to the monitoring of the efficiency of activity of the enterprise, especially the crucial factor in the development of the enterprise - intangible assets, in order to be able to find the problems of the enterprise and create conditions for their solution. This will help make the company competitive in today's market conditions. Since intangible assets influence the competitiveness and investment privatization of enterprises, there is a problem of control over their use. Today, the development of the use of intangible assets, the insufficiency of the legal framework and the development of classifications of objects, as well as the insufficiency of methods of evaluation necessitate the need to improve its accounting and audit. More and more information, which is reflected in the financial statements, requires an independent assessment in order to convince customers of the financial condition of the subject of management. To provide such confirmation an independent review is required. In view of the increasing use of intangible assets, special attention should be paid to the methods used in the external review of these specific objects. This article is devoted to the analysis of current issues of independent audit of intangible assets in order to develop improved methods taking into account specific details of this object. The study confirmed the need for a systematic approach to audit, including the implementation of analytical procedures to improve the efficiency of audit reports. Accounting errors of non-material assets, found in the process of research, are considered as the basis for formulating recommendations on audit procedures.


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How to Cite
Bondarenko, O., Matveeva, O., & Zviryuk, O. (2021). THE IMPORTANCE OF AUDITING INTANGIBLE ASSETS. Economy and Society, (26).

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