Keywords: efficiency, public administration, local development, local self-government, state and local authorities


In Ukraine, the effectiveness of local governments is currently being actively discussed at all levels of government and in the scientific community. The results of modern research show that, despite constant innovations, the current system of evaluating the effectiveness of local government is not without its shortcomings. Awareness of the high degree of importance of the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of local government, the shortcomings of the existing methodology for evaluating efficiency, the need to eliminate them and the formation of an effective system for evaluating the effectiveness of local governments determine the relevance of this study. The purpose of the study is to study the main approaches to assessing the effectiveness of local governments. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were the scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers on the nature of the institution of local government, as well as the problems of effective management of municipalities, regulations of Ukraine. The main functions of local authorities are analyzed in the work: provision of municipal services to the population; management of complex socio-economic development of the territory; local economy management. The main types of efficiency of local self-government bodies are investigated. The author's definition of the concept "efficiency of municipal management" is given. An analysis of foreign and domestic experience in the formation of systems for assessing the effectiveness of local governments and their classification in order to select the best option. As a result of the study of the current methodology in Ukraine for assessing the effectiveness of local governments, a number of shortcomings were identified. The proposed method of calculating a comprehensive indicator for assessing the effectiveness of local governments is a set of differentiated and unified approach. The combination of these approaches, as well as taking into account the development of each settlement that is part of the municipal district, will assess the activities of local governments more objectively and will help eliminate vulnerabilities, as it depends on the effectiveness of local government.


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How to Cite
Nosan, N., & Kusaka, M. (2021). EVALUATION OF EFFICIENCY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT BODIES. Economy and Society, (26). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-26-57