Keywords: management, motivation, personnel, stimulation, system, enterprise


The article considers a set of issues related to the role of staff motivation and employee incentives in modern enterprises. Research of personnel motivation management process. The essence and system of personnel motivation in organizations and its forms are revealed. Methods of staff motivation are considered. The necessity of improving the stimulation of labor activity of employees in the personnel management system at the enterprises of Ukraine is substantiated. Systematic growth of labor productivity is a priority task to increase the efficiency of any company, industry, the entire economic complex, increase the material well-being of each employee. The decisive factor for the efficiency of any company is the productive forces, the main component of which are people, staff, labor, staff. The level of training, experience, skills and, most importantly, education depends on the development of both the individual company and the economy as a whole and, in turn, on the well-being of people and their standard of living. Personnel policy of any company should be aimed at the efficient use of human resources of the above facilities, their perfect organization and constant work with them to achieve the greatest effect. Performance management in an enterprise or organization is the process by which the chosen operational strategy is achieved as a set of results of the work of all staff. Undeveloped theoretical and methodological aspects of the interdependence between labor efficiency and its incentive; assessment of the effect of work on incentive systems; From a theoretical point of view, there are many interpretations, which complicates a single terminology and the formation of a unified approach to the study of labor efficiency. Efficiency in the broadest sense of the word is the overall efficiency of human activity. It reflects the relationship between benefit and the amount of resources spent on it. The concept of efficiency is applicable not only to economic processes but also to social ones. In addition, increasing economic efficiency only makes sense if it leads to better social outcomes. Produced products and profits are not important in themselves, but only as a means of improving people's living standards. In this context, it should be noted that the literature effectively interprets effectiveness.


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How to Cite
Nosan, N., & Korshukow, R. (2021). MANAGEMENT OF PERSONNEL MOTIVATION AT THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (26).