Keywords: customs, information technologies, risk management system, joint transit regime, digitalization of customs processes


Today, the world economy is characterized by an increase in trade, which requires Ukraine to simplify customs procedures and minimize customs "barriers". The implementation of this requirement is achieved through the introduction of information technology in the processes of customs control and registration of goods and vehicles. The main tasks to be solved at the customs with the help of information technologies are to increase trade and increase passenger traffic across the customs border, reduce time spent on customs control and customs clearance, simplify customs procedures, and create a favorable climate for interstate and business relations. The analysis of world experience has shown that in the developed countries of the world there is a creation of electronic customs with the future transition to digital. At the same time, electronic declaration, introduction of technologies of automatic registration of declarations on goods and "remote release" became the foundation of transformation of customs activity. There are currently various platforms that have been developed to improve the logistics chain based on Blockchain technology. Blockchain can reduce trade finance fraud and potentially lead to huge savings for the private sector. One of the risk management tools is the cargo targeting system (CTS). It allows user countries to collect preliminary information in an electronic cargo declaration and perform risk assessment, profiling and targeting. Customs services around the world are now using non-intrusive inspection technology to increase the efficiency of their inspection capabilities and speed up the clearance process. The introduction of new and improvement of existing information technologies at customs through the further development of the e-Customs system is the main direction of development of customs in Ukraine. To date, the functionality of risk management and customs clearance systems is integrated with the NCTS system and is being tested for interaction with NCTS. The introduction of information technology in the processes of customs control is an urgent task in terms of Ukraine's aspirations for European integration.


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How to Cite
Matsedonska, N., Kovalenko, V., & Shtefan, L. (2021). MODERNIZATION OF CUSTOMS ACTIVITY WITH THE USE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES. Economy and Society, (27).