Keywords: business environment, business environment management system, state, business-associations, enterprise, business, business sector, destruction of business environment management system, optimization of business environment management system


A developed and efficient business environment is a prerequisite for using the potential of business, increasing the efficiency and stability of a market economy. Management of the business environment is considered one of the ways to improve its quality, which in turn is a generalized result of its operation. This system operates at the level of its subjects such as the state, business associations and enterprises and is determined by the adequacy of their actions. According to the authors, the process of violating or destroying the integrity of the interaction of these subjects is destruction, the main factor of which is the personal factor. It is the focus of the subjects – the state, business-associations and enterprises – on the realization of their own interests, rather than on the needs of a partner of a holistic system, undermines the stability of the business environment management system and raises the issue of optimization. The purpose of the article is to optimize the business environment management system, to provide the system with the most favorable characteristics, determine the optimal conditions for its development and determine the impact of these conditions on the quality of the business environment. The achievement of this goal was achieved through the systematization of literature sources on the selected problem, own research and considerations. According to the authors, the criterion for optimizing the functioning and development of the management system of the business environment, the objective function of this system is its quality. The highest level of development of the business environment management system can be achieved in the case of using each of its elements of the subsystem in its activities, the principle of responsibility. The authors came to the conclusion, that the implementation of this principle in the management system of the business environment has the following features: each of the subjects of interaction should be guided in their actions by openness; the state must be a model, a subject of social responsibility, but enterprises and business organizations must also be guided by high values; social responsibility can be transformed into social benefit – the overall positive effect generated by coherence, the general direction of their actions to change and change; the stability of the business environment management system is ensured by the ability of subjects to self-development and self-improvement with the dominance not of the personal factor, but of the interests of the whole society.


Біла І.С., Насікан Н.І. Деструкція системи управління сучасним бізнес-середовищем. Східна Європа: економіка, бізнес та управління. 2020. № 2 (25). URL: http://www.easterneurope-ebm.in.ua/journal/25_2020/15.pdf

Біла І.С., Насікан Н.І. Ієрархія суб’єктів управління бізнес-середовищем: держава – бізнес-асоціації – підприємства. Східна Європа: економіка, бізнес та управління. 2019. № 3 (20). URL: http:// www.easterneurope-ebm.in.ua/20-2019-ukr

Bila I.S., Nasikan N.I. (2020) Destruktsiia systemy upravlinnia suchasnym biznes-seredovyshchem [Destruction of the management system of the modern business environment] Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management (electronic journal), vol. 2 (25). Available at: http://www.easterneurope-ebm.in.ua/journal/25_2020/15.pdf

Bila I.S., Nasikan N.I. (2019) Ijerarkhija sub'jektiv upravlinnja biznes-seredovyshhem: derzhava – biznes-asociaciji – pidpryjemstva [The hierarchy of business management entities: state – business associations – enterprises], Eastern Europe: Economy, Business and Management (electronic journal), vol. 3 (20). Available at: www.easterneurope-ebm.in.ua/20-2019-ukr

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How to Cite
Bila, I., & Nasikan, N. (2021). OPTIMIZATION OF THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE MODERN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT. Economy and Society, (27). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-27-32