Keywords: rural area, multifunctional development, sustainability, social infrastructure, population


The state of development of agriculture development and rural development determines socio-economic development of the country, has a significant unrealized growth potential, is the main condition for food and raw materials supply of the state, its economic independence. The article considers the current state and problems of rural development in Ukraine, as well as identifies the main factors influencing the formation and use of industrial and social potential of the Ukrainian village in terms of market transformations. The purpose of this study is to summarize organizational and applied issues of problems and prospects for further rural development. The research is built using methods of analysis and synthesis of rural development trends, legislative support of regional development management, problems of rural development management in the conditions of decentralization. The interpretation of the concept of “rural areas” is considered. It is established that rural areas perform certain functions. The main ones are economic, social, demographic, industrial, organizational and managerial, natural and reproductive, recreational and health and cultural functions. Current problems of rural development are generalized and defined, namely: deterioration of natural resources and ecological situation, decline of engineering and social infrastructure, high unemployment and increasing migration of rural population, significant reduction of socio-cultural facilities, complete or partial lack of medical care, household and other services to the population. It is established that the level of household poverty directly depends on the level of education. The level of poverty increases with decreasing education and because the level of education in rural settlements does not increase, but rather decreases, rural population does not adapt to new economic conditions, which worsens the already unfavorable social situation in rural areas. Quite often rural areas of the region are perceived exclusively through the prism of problems of the agricultural sector of the economy, which in our opinion is completely wrong, forms stereotypical thinking about the impossibility of their multifunctional development, weakening the prospects of innovative projects in tourism, energy and domestic services. Based on the generalization and analysis of research results of domestic and foreign scientists, it is proposed to choose the Concept of multifunctionality of agriculture as the initial methodological basis for studying the concept of rural development. Rural development should be considered in three interrelated areas: economic, social and environmental. The priority directions of rural development in Ukraine are outlined.


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How to Cite
Naherniuk, D., & Nepochatenko, O. (2021). PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (27).