Keywords: mechanism of innovative development, innovations, energy sphere, Industry 4.0


The conditions for ensuring the innovative development of the energy sector on the basis of formalization of the relevant mechanism are studied. The need to determine the substantive characteristics of the functioning of the mechanism of innovative development of the national economy in the energy sector is substantiated. Different interpretations of the term "mechanism" are analyzed. Specific features of energy development that affect the theoretical and applied aspects of the mechanism of innovative development of the national economy are identified. The stages of formation of the mechanism of innovative development of the national economy in the energy sphere are determined. The strategic, tactical and operational goals of the mechanism of innovative development of the energy sphere are identified. The basic functions of the mechanism, the implementation of which is necessary to achieve the identified goals, are determined. The structural components of the mechanism of innovative development of the national economy in the energy sphere are revealed and investigated. It is determined that the evolutionary change of technological systems and the development of Industry 4.0 objectively influence the processes of formation of theoretical and methodological approaches and applied principles for the construction of innovative mechanisms for the development of the national economy in the energy sector. The scientific and methodological approach to the formation of the mechanism of innovative development of the energy sector in the system of socio-economic transformations in Industry 4.0 on the basis of aggregation of such structural elements of this mechanism as design and engineering apparatus, technical and technological unit, resource and functional subsystem and organizational and managerial tools, synergistic interaction of which ensures the growth of competitiveness of the national economy, optimization of the sectoral structure of the latter, strengthening the economic security of the state, strengthening corporate social responsibility, improving the quality of life and improving social justice in society.


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Adebayo, T.S., Genç, S.Y., Castanho, R.A. & Kirikkaleli, D. (2021). Do Public-Private Partnership Investment in Energy and Technological Innovation Matter for Environmental Sustainability in the East Asia and Pacific Region? An Application of a Frequency Domain Causality Test. Sustainability 2021, 13, 3039. doi: https://10.3390/su13063039

Chen, M.Z., Sinha, A., Hu, K.X. & Shah, M.I. (2020). Impact of technological innovation on energy efficiency in industry 4.0 era: Moderation of shadow economy in sustainable development. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 164, 120521. doi: https://10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120521

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