Keywords: financial security, banking sector, integrated indicator


The article assesses the financial security of the banking sector of Ukraine on the basis of the indicator method. The integrated index of financial security of the banking sector is determined on the basis of seven indicators: the share of overdue debt on loans in the total amount of loans granted by banks to residents of Ukraine; the ratio of bank loans and deposits in foreign currency; shares of foreign capital in the authorized capital of banks; the ratio of long-term (over 1 year) loans and deposits; return on assets; the ratio of liquid assets to short-term liabilities; shares of assets of the five largest banks in the total assets of the banking system. The indicators were assessed in the dynamics for 2015-2020 and trends were identified. Based on the calculations, it is established that the only indicator of financial security of the banking sector, the values of which throughout the study period corresponded to the optimal level (from 0.85 to 1.0) is the ratio of liquid assets to short-term liabilities, which indicates the ability of Ukrainian banking institutions to cover its short-term liabilities with its own liquid assets. The state of all other studied indicators of financial security of the banking sector for the period 2015-2020 is described as critical or satisfactory. The normalization of the studied indicators, which are multi-vector indicators – stimulators, destimulators and indicators of mixed type was carried out. The calculation of the integrated indicator of financial security of the banking sector of Ukraine, which is calculated as the sum of the products of the weighting factor and the corresponding normalized value of the indicator of financial security of the banking sector was done. The change of the integrated indicator of financial security of the banking sector of Ukraine in dynamics is estimated. The most problematic indicators that led to a predominant decrease in the overall level of financial security of the banking sector of Ukraine have been identified. Conclusions are made and measures to increase the level of financial security of the banking sector of Ukraine are proposed.


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How to Cite
Demchenko, O. (2021). SECURITY ASSESSMENT OF THE BANKING SECTOR OF UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (27).