Keywords: customs policy, customs control, foreign economic activity, smuggling of goods, customs risk, fiscal losses


It is emphasized that in modern conditions the struggle against customs offenses and smuggling is one of the priorities of Ukraine as an independent state in protecting its economic interests. The article highlights the current aspects of minimizing customs risks and combating smuggling on the basis of effective customs control. Theoretical, organizational and institutional determinants of customs control in Ukraine are considered. Peculiarities, motives and factors of smuggling activity in modern conditions of development of foreign economic relations are substantiated. The essence and role of the customs risk management system in the context of increasing the efficiency of customs authorities in Ukraine are determined. Customs offenses and smuggling in particular are detrimental to society as a whole, as well as to specific consumers and foreign economic operators. Considerable attention is paid to monitoring and analysis of smuggled supplies to Ukraine, it is established that the most risk product groups are machinery and electronics. As a result of the assessment of fiscal risks of smuggling in Ukraine, it was found that the most significant risks are financial losses from non-receipt of value added tax on imports of goods. International customs cooperation plays a key role in the process of preventing and combating violations of customs rules. Needs to improve the functionality of the customs risk management system in Ukraine based on the implementation of advanced information technologies. The article proposes ways to increase customs control in the context of counteracting fiscal risks and violations of customs rules, taking into account foreign experience and modern requirements. Among which it is important to highlight the following: full-scale introduction of electronic customs declaration; digitization of customs control and clearance mechanisms; simplification and unification of customs control standards; building an effective system of analysis and management of customs risks (based on leading European experience); strengthening the level of liability for violations of customs and tax legislation.


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How to Cite
Krysovata, K. (2021). EFFECTIVENESS OF CUSTOMS CONTROL IN THE CONTEXT OF COUNTERACTING FISCAL RISKS AND SMUGGLING OPERATIONS. Economy and Society, (27). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-27-50

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