• Olga Klepanchuk L’viv Ivan Franko National University
Keywords: internal market, social and economic system, economic subsystem, social subsystem


The article is devoted to the actual problem of study of the internal market as a complex socio-economic system. The main conceptual principles of functioning of the internal market are specified. The internal market is the system of financial and economic relations established in the country, the mechanism of interaction and economic relations between the entities in the field of commodity-money circulation, the basis of economic growth. The peculiarity of the internal market is a dual manifestation – he makes a systematic and comprehensive impact on stimulating economic and social development as well as directly on development itself. The key means of regulating the internal market is to implement structural changes and institutional reforms. Formulated author’s approach to understanding the properties of the internal market as a complex socio-economic system: the author believes that in addition to such properties as the integrity, integrability, communicative, hierarchical, it is necessary to take into account dynamism and orderliness in time. The main conceptual principles of functioning of the internal market are described, to which the author relates systemicity, presence of interconnections, presence of interaction between the subjects of the internal market, local territorial definition of the internal market as a certain territory and openness of internal interconnections, market dynamics, market conditions , regulation of the internal market of the country. In the complex system of the internal market, the author distinguishes the economic subsystem and social subsystem. Attention is drawn to the fact that in today conditions the level of complexity of functioning of the internal market as a social-economic system increases. A conceptual model of the internal market as a complex socio-economic system was created. The article draws attention to the fact that, along with the market mechanism, the internal market requires state regulation of the market in accordance with the changing conditions of the functioning of the socio-economic system and the requirements of time. Author’s approach to understanding the features of the functioning of the internal market is formulated.


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How to Cite
Klepanchuk, O. (2019). THE INTERNAL MARKET AS A SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEM: ESSENCE AND STRUCTURE. Economy and Society, (20). Retrieved from