Keywords: accounting, calculations, taxes, agricultural enterprises, single tax, value added tax


The agricultural sector of the economy has specific economic conditions, which determines the need for state support for commodity production and the introduction of a separate type of taxation of the agricultural sector therefore agricultural enterprises have certain features in calculating taxes. The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of tax calculations in agricultural enterprises and to study the procedure for their reflection in documentation and accounting support for the activities of agricultural enterprises. The methodological basis of the research is general scientific and special methods of cognition in particular methods of observation, theoretical generalization and grouping are used. Tabular and graphical methods are used for visual representation of data. The article analyzes the features of accounting for tax calculations in agricultural enterprises. The requirements for information support of business operations in terms of taxation are emphasized, and attention is focused on the importance of documentary and accounting support for tax calculations in the management system of agricultural enterprises. The essence and features of the simplified taxation system are revealed, the requirements for business entities regarding the single tax of group IV are given, and the list of agricultural producers who cannot be payers of the single tax of the fourth group is given. The single tax rates of group IV are indicated, the calculation procedure and base for taxation, the terms and amounts of payment of the single tax in agricultural enterprises are disclosed. Attention is focused on the procedure for cancelling registration as a single tax payer and switching to the general tax system. The procedure for accounting for single tax payments in agricultural enterprises is reflected. Features of value-added tax taxation are highlighted, and tax rates are given value added for individual product items attention is focused on the procedure for drawing up a tax invoice with the allocation of appropriate tax rates, and the procedure for accounting for tax calculations is indicated for added value. The highlighted features of accounting for tax calculations should become the basis for building an effective management system and developing directions for optimizing the tax burden in agricultural production.


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How to Cite
Chernetska, O., Minkovska, A., & Atamas, A. (2021). PECULIARITIES OF ACCOUNTING OF TAX SETTLEMENTS IN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (32).