Keywords: cashless payments, CoVID-19 pandemic, digitalization, payment card, electronic money, e-wallet, commercial bank


The main objectives of the article are to study the state of development of cashless payments using electronic means of payment under the influence of the CoVID-19 pandemic and to outline effective ways to increase the role of cashless payments in the digital economy. In the context of global challenges, the growth of cashless payments is one of the strategic objectives of the financial sector to ensure economic growth, because on the one hand government spending on cash flow is reduced, the effectiveness of cash flow control is improved and on the other goods, services, which in turn increases the level of consumption in the economy and, consequently, leads to GDP growth. The scientific problem describes the essence, significance, state of development of cashless payments in the context of the CoVID-19 pandemic and will provide an opportunity to develop a basis for institutional measures to improve the efficiency of payment infrastructure in the digitalization of the financial sector. The following scientific methods were used in the course of the research: theoretical generalizations - to clarify the essence of cashless payments; graphical, statistical – to characterize and determine the trends of the market of cashless payments using payment cards in a CoVID-19 pandemic, their visual illustration; abstract – logical method – for formulating conclusions and generalizations. It has been proven that expanding the scope of cashless payments will promote transparency of payments and ensure the growth of the country's economy.The modern market of cashless payments using digital technologies reduces the need to use cash, accelerates the turnover of funds in the economy, reduces the cost of circulation of funds, promotes the accumulation and accumulation of funds, and under the influence of digitalization and the CoVID-19 pandemic. The widespread use of cashless payments is also facilitated by the presence of an extensive infrastructure of payment system institutions, as well as the state's interest in their distribution.


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How to Cite
Fedyshyn, M., & Vovk, M. (2021). DIGITALIZATION OF CASHLESS PAYMETS IN A COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Economy and Society, (32).