Keywords: railway, strategy, prospects, development, transportation


The article is devoted to strategic directions of railway transport development in Ukraine. Reform of the Ukrainian railway is necessary for accession to the European Union. Today, the only operators in the railway market are the state enterprise JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia». The strategy of the Government of Ukraine until 2030 envisages changes in the transport system, including the transformation of the domestic railway. There are problems in the economic activity of JSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" that hinder the development of the railway. The reasons for the slowdown in reforms are outdated principles of governance, resistance to change, corruption, and the lack of a mechanism for attracting investment. The practice of European countries in the process of reforming railway transport, which includes three models, is considered. The separation model involves the separation of infrastructure and transportation operators. The integration model provides for independent areas of activity, but the integrated enterprise is the only company. The holding model is a synthesis of the two previous models and involves the transformation into a holding. The focus is on state support for the strategic development of railway transport. The authors analyzed the volume of freight traffic in Ukraine during 2017-2020. It was found that the volume of freight traffic during the analyzed period did not change significantly. The volumes of passenger transportation by rail, road (bus) and air transport were studied. It was found that railway transport in 2020 carried 82.43% fewer passengers than in 2016. The reasons for the decrease were both quarantine restrictions and changes in the tastes of passengers, poor service, outdated condition of trains, lack of competition. The authors propose to implement specific strategic directions for the development of railway transport in Ukraine. These areas will include the reform of the Ukrainian railway, which provides for the transformation of JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia» into a holding company; division of transport entities into different areas; attracting private investment; entry into the Ukrainian market of foreign carriers; fair state regulation and control of railway transport.


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How to Cite
Miroshnyk, R., & Fedak, K. (2021). STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS OF RAILWAY TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE. Economy and Society, (32).