Keywords: receivables, accounting, non-profit sector of the economy, non-budgetary non-profit organizations, membership fees


In Ukraine, there is a significant lag in the current accounting system of non-budgetary non-profit organizations from the requirements of the time, despite significant progress in solving problems related to the processing of accounting information that have occurred in recent years. The method of double entry is used as the main technique of formation and generalization of information in accounting. The aim of the study is to develop modern scientifically sound measures to improve the current methodology of accounting for accounts payable for further development of the latest concept of accounting in the non-profit sector of the economy of Ukraine. The article takes into account the main features of non-budgetary non-profit organizations in Ukraine: the goals of financial and economic activities are different from making a profit; retained earnings that can be generated are used to support the main activity; the main purpose of activity – achievement of public goods; the main source of funds – targeted funding; lack of classical economic categories “capital”, “price” and “cost”; service-oriented organizations, respectively, production – no; lack of financial and speculative activities – transactions with shares, bonds, bills, etc.; performance can not be measured by standard indicators, such as profit. The article identifies and analyzes the procedure for accounting for receivables of non-budgetary non-profit organizations, taking into account the requirements of domestic law. Accounting for receivables in non-budgetary non-profit organizations is limited mainly by such operations as: accrual of membership fees, advance payments, calculations of temporary incapacity for work at the expense of the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine and a number of others. The article also improves the method of accounting for receivables that arise in the course of financial and economic activities of non-budgetary non-profit organizations in Ukraine. The results obtained in the study can be useful for accountants of non-budgetary non-profit organizations to streamline the accounting of cash and receivables.


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