Keywords: costs, cost of transportation services, costing, costing unit


The features of formation of prime cost of services in transportation of freights are considered in article. Provision of transportation services is mainly provided by business entities that are representatives of small businesses that has been studied. It is reflected that the main part of freight services is road transport based on the use of statistical information. The list of calculation items for the formation of the cost of transportation primarily depends on the type of transport, which is used in the study. General items of formation of the cost of transport services can be detailed or combined in accordance with the individual characteristics of economic entities that provide transportation services were defined. A brief description of both general (direct material costs, direct labor costs, other direct costs, overhead costs) and specific items of calculating the cost of transportation (car tires, airport, stevedoring, navigation costs) in accordance with the law. The characteristic features that need to be taken into account when calculating the cost of services by economic entities: services are intangible, the inability to separate the process of providing services and their consumption by the buyer, a small amount (compared to production) use of material resources; inability to store services аre marked. Features of installation of calculation units at definition of prime cost of services in transportation are defined. Since the choice of direct costing unit affects the value of the cost of transportation services, including cargo. The main factors influencing the determination of the cost of freight services have been identified as: type of transport by which transportation is carried out; distance of transportation; transportation within the country: interregional, within the region, city; international, transit transportation; type of cargo: heavy, large, etc. The need for careful monitoring of the level and amount of individual costs that are included in the cost of services is primarily related to the creation of favorable conditions to ensure the effective functioning of the entity providing freight services, as argued in research.


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VoskresenskaТ., & ТesliukM. (2021). FEATURES OF FORMATION OF COST OF SERVICES IN TRANSPORTATION OF CARGO. Economy and Society, (32). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-32-75