Keywords: tax policy, tax system, business support, pandemic, entrepreneurship


The article considers the need to improve domestic tax policy in the context of the spread of negative socio-economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The list of changes to regulations in the tax sphere aimed at improving the investment climate in the national economy has been determined. A number of tax measures are proposed to support the business sector in the face of pandemic restrictions, including the need to reduce taxes, defer tax liabilities and deadlines for filing tax returns, schedule payment schedules that will allow employers to pay contributions in installments, etc. The current state of the tax system in Ukraine is analyzed in the article. The current situation in Ukraine is characterized by a general decline in business activity, declining revenues to the state budget and the liquidation of a number of enterprises that did not survive the crisis. The main problems of business structures, the impact of the economic crisis on their functioning were also identified. Competent expansion of horizons of scientific research of tax policy in the conditions of the end of crisis, would contribute to the successful exit from it and strengthen economic security. The options for improving the tax policy in Ukraine to overcome the crisis situation and successfully overcome it have been identified. The importance of tax benefits, which include financial measures taken by the state to stimulate the economy, is highlighted. The article analyzes the state of tax revenues in the state budget in Ukraine in terms of years and the impact on it of the moratorium on entrepreneurship. The main changes in the legislation concerning tax benefits, tax assistance, subsidies, simplification of the taxation system in the business sphere are also highlighted. The importance of tax control for the successful implementation of tax and economic policy in the country is highlighted. The conditions in which Ukrainian business found itself after the moratorium were outlined, and its negative impact on the economic situation in Ukraine was assessed. It is important that the article highlighted the main directions of Ukraine's exit from the crisis situation in which it now finds itself. These include measures to stimulate, support enterprises and organize financial activities.


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How to Cite
Nazarkevych, I., Vovk, V., & Korpan, A. (2021). IMPROVEMENT OF UKRAINE’S TAX POLICY IN THE CONDITIONS OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Economy and Society, (32).