Keywords: competitiveness, enterprise, management, international competitiveness, advantages, competition


The article reveals the concept of "international competitiveness", signs and characterizing its context. Summarizing the existing approaches formulated by various scientists on the interpretation of international competitiveness, the main characteristics of this concept, defining the target objectives of enterprise international competitiveness management, such as: the formation and implementation of competitive advantages, taking into account the requirements of international markets, as well as achieving efficiency in international markets were highlighted. The basis of ensuring effective management of international competitiveness of the enterprise should be information, for the formation and processing of which a number of methods of analysis, reflected in the article, are used. The international competitiveness of the enterprise from the position of compliance of enterprise activities to the requirements of international markets was considered. The competitiveness management process from the position of formation, development and realization of competitive advantages was studied. The basic factors which form competitive advantages in the international market, taking into account influence on the enterprise and determinants of international competitiveness have been revealed. Analyzed the changes of the world economy through the impact of the pandemic, the level of Ukrainian enterprises in foreign markets and identified the formation of barriers, new requirements and criteria that require rethinking the basic criteria and reassess business model of competitiveness in a more enhanced mode. Ways to achieve international market leadership are presented and it is determined that a strong management approach will enhance quality and productivity, which is considered an important factor in achieving efficiency gains, adapting to technological change and competitiveness. Key factors of international competitiveness in today's environment: technological leadership and innovation created by a skilled workforce, which requires further research given the importance for Ukrainian enterprises.


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How to Cite
Kasych, A., & Astsatrian, A. (2021). MANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS OFF THE ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (32).