Keywords: neobank, startups, fintech, digital technologies, banking services, banking technologies


The article is devoted to the topical issue of development of banking activity of Ukraine in the conditions of digital economy. Digital transformation has affected almost all areas of the global economy, significantly increasing the level of competition in the financial services market. The article discusses the development trends of digital banking technologies in the world and in Ukraine. Neobanking is considered as one of the most important directions in the development of modern financial technologies. The advantages of neobanks that use the results of the digital economy in their activities have been established. The main characteristics of neobanks are determined, approaches to defining terms are investigated. The state of development of neobanks in the world and in Ukraine is analyzed on the basis of statistical data and available information about their activities. The results of the analysis show that in the conditions of the pandemic and quarantine of the last two years in Ukraine there is a rapid development of neobanks, which offer classic banking services at low rates and allow access to banking services in a convenient place and at a convenient time. Analysis of the development of neobanks in the world has shown how important the introduction of digital technologies in the banking sector. The article presents the main obstacles to the widespread introduction of neobanks in Ukraine, including the imperfection of the regulatory framework and relatively high implementation costs. It is reported that the range of services and the scale of activities of neobanks are determined by the level of economic and technological development, legislative norms. The main advantages of the introduction of banking startups "neobanks" for both the neobanks and from the point of view of customers are also highlighted. The article analyzes the main 6 nonbanks of Ukraine, their links with traditional banking institutions, the peculiarities of their operation. The analysis of modern research in the field of neo-banks allowed to form the main directions of further development of neobanks in Ukraine and the necessary ways to eliminate obstacles.


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How to Cite
Bukreieva, D., Borodina, A., & Fastova, P. (2021). NEOBANKING IN UKRAINE: CURRENT STATE AND DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Economy and Society, (34).