Keywords: management, marketing, enterprise marketing management model, balanced system of indicators


The article is dedicated to the topical issues of development of a modern marketing management system of a production enterprise and determining the place of the marketing management subsystem in the general management system. The approaches of scientists to the definition of "marketing management" of the enterprise are analyzed and the own approach is offered. In particular, it is proposed to understand marketing management as a system of enterprise management based on an innovative approach aimed at achieving economic efficiency and social efficiency through establishing long-term relationships with internal and external stakeholders, i.e. owners, managers, employees, partners, consumers and society in general. The introduction of marketing management by manufacturing enterprises will create conditions for increasing the competitiveness of the business entity, maximum customer satisfaction, balanced sustainable development of the enterprise with coordination of various departments at the strategic, tactical and operational levels of management. The model of marketing management of the enterprise is developed taking into account the importance of integration of subsystems of marketing and management at the elaboration of strategy of the development of the enterprise. According to the developed model, the management of the enterprise should be based on taking into account the needs and behavior of stakeholders, primarily consumers. It is important to remember that the enterprise is a part of the chain "consumer – enterprise – partner", the development of which is ensured through the use of marketing as a business philosophy. The peculiarity of marketing is that it must cover the work of all departments and specialists. The company's development strategy should be developed on the basis of market segmentation. This will take into account the needs and interests of all consumer groups served by the manufacturing enterprise and develop appropriate communication measures. Directly the marketing management is an important subsystem of enterprise management in general. The key principles of marketing management in the production enterprise are formulated, in particular: consumer orientation, flexibility and adaptability, complexity and systematization, innovation, economic efficiency, manageability, scientific approach to the organization of marketing management. It is proposed to use a balanced system of indicators when developing a model of marketing management of the enterprise. Emphasis is placed on the component of a balanced system of indicators "clients" and the ability to achieve a synergistic effect of management.


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How to Cite
Vikachuk, O., Pashchenko, O., & Yushkevych, O. (2021). MODERN MODEL OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT OF A MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (34).