Keywords: audit, audit tasks, financial reserves, risks, operations with financial reserves, financial statement


The article describes the approaches to the identification and formalization of the tasks of the company's operations with financial reserves audit. The published results of the study will help to specify the list of the formation and use aspects of financial reserves. They should be identified and assessed by an independent expert (auditor) during the financial statement audit to form and express an opinion about possibility of it’s using for stakeholders’ purposes. It is determined that the basis for the formation of financial reserves is the existence of risks of enterprise’s financial and economic activity formalized by entity’s staff. In view of this, one of the tasks that needed to study during the audit is necessary to determine the presence and legitimacy of risks identified by management. The auditor should also obtain audit evidence that the client's personnel are acting in accordance with the company's reasonable risk management policy. The audit objectives should also include the correctness of the recognition of the circumstances that lead to the reassessment of risks and related financial reserves. Also, the results of the study substantiate the need to verify the circumstances of the reserves using and terminating their recognition. In the context of the above, the subject of the audit should be the presence of criteria according to which the need to review the estimated characteristics of reserves can be recognized and justified. A separate group of tasks involves assessing during the audit the adequacy of the content of the company's operations with financial reserves. Such assessment should be based on a system of criteria and algorithms. An important task of the audit is to determine the correctness of the reflection of transactions with financial reserves in the accounting and financial statements of the enterprise. Based on this, the auditor should form and express a professional opinion on the possibility of verified information using to make adequate decisions by stakeholders. The proposed approach will be a factor in improving the audit methodology, improving its quality, as well as ensuring the validity of the assurance provided to users of financial statements.


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How to Cite
Sherstiuk, O., & Zhuk, N. (2021). PARAMETRIZATION OF OPERATIONS WITH FINANCIAL RESERVES AUDIT TASKS . Economy and Society, (34).