Keywords: quality of restaurant services, quality management, service standards, standardization area, tasks of standardization


The success of restaurant establishments today depends more and more on the attachment of the consumer who wants to get not only quality food, but also positive emotions from visiting the institution, so in the article we presented the role of standardization of the complex of restaurant services in the system of quality management of the restaurant product. Proposed a conceptual model of the structure of internal standards of service restaurant economy, where in accordance with the components of the restaurant product (organizational, economic, social, and emotional) are defined objects of standardization, which constitute the area of standardization, and reflected in the system of standards of the establishment. Under internal standards of service in the institutions of restaurant economy is proposed to understand the set of internal documents containing rules, norms and regulations, the procedure for performing certain operations, requirements for certain categories of employees regulating the provision of the restaurant product and providing a certain level of quality in a particular establishment. In the formation of internal standards of service should be based on the principles of product quality management: general, established in international practice of quality management and specific, inherent in the restaurant industry. The place of internal standards of service in the restaurant economy in the management of the quality of restaurant services and the mechanism of interaction with the market, which is represented by consumer preferences, competitors and other variables. Changes in market conditions prompt the adjustment of service standards, the formation of a refined, unique, innovative restaurant product to ensure the competitive advantage of the institution. Also presented is an expanded list of strategic and operational objectives for restaurant facilities that help solve internal service standards. Strategic includes addressing issues of control and motivation, the ability to form an established practice of service, maintain brand standards and prevent deviations, maintain customer trust. Among the operational tasks is the unification of daily processes for maintenance, monitoring the implementation of operational processes, training of staff.


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How to Cite
Pavlova, S. (2021). QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF RESTAURANT SERVICES THROUGH MECHANISMS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF INTERNAL SERVICE STANDARDS. Economy and Society, (34). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-34-18