Keywords: tourism, youth tourism, youth, tourist market, tourists


The article deals with the specifics of the youth as a segment of the tourist market. The importance of the development of youth tourism as a powerful segment in the system of world tourist economy is determined. As a theory of organization of youth tourism in general, as well as its various practical aspects did not find a significant reflection in Ukrainian and foreign studies. The approaches to the definition of "youth" are considered and the integrated concept of "young" is formulated, which includes: age limits and socio-psychological features; specificity of social status, role functions and socio-cultural behavior; the specificity of the socio-demographic group; Specificity of the process of socialization, which combines social adaptation and individualization; Specificity of self-determination, self-organization, self-identification of young people as a specific group. After analyzing the approaches to this in modern sociological studies for this work we will determine young people as a category of population, within certain age limits, the lower of which is the moment of independence in the adoption of responsible decisions, to the emergence of certain obligations to the family and society. It is determined that the main value of tourism for modern youth is that they are considering tourism as a means of knowledge of the surrounding world. This general characteristics of youth as a target segment of the tourist market, as well as formulate a number of features inherent in this category of tourists. The specificity of the young as a market segment is that it is characterized by certain characteristics: mobility; endurance; desire for active recreation; love for sports and fitness; manifestation of independence during a trip; the desire to return to the destinations where already visited. Proceeding from this it is possible to outline the requirements of this segment to the characteristics of tourist trips: low price; maximum communication; maximum information; maximum efficiency of using time; maximum entertainment; ability to purchase souvenirs, shopping.


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How to Cite
Pogasiy, S., Pysareva, I., & Klymenko, M. (2021). YOUNG PEOPLE SPECIFICITY AS A TOURIST MARKET SEGMENT. Economy and Society, (34).