Keywords: offense, fraud, losses, forensics, control


The article is devoted to the prevention of offenses in the field of finance. The essence of such offenses is fraud, which is classified in domestic law as illegal use of budget funds, fraud during the privatization of state property, fraud in the field of land relations and others. Such violations cause significant damage to business and the public sector. This problem is especially acute in Ukraine, where the share of detection of such crimes is quite low. Therefore, there is a need not just to punish the perpetrators, but in general to prevent such offenses. As realities show, internal control and external audit are not enough today. Therefore, it is necessary to apply effective foreign practice, where forensic services have become widespread, which allow to prevent violations and differ from other forms of control by the goals, methods of conducting and providing results to stakeholders. Despite the cost of such services, they are quite effective and are already gaining ground in the domestic business. This is evidenced in particular by the results of research conducted by Kreston GCG in Ukraine. The use of forensics involves the services of third-party specialists who conduct financial investigations, form an effective system to combat such violations at the entity level, and help partially recover assets that were lost as a result of violations by perpetrators. Therefore, it is important to develop a form of control that will minimize fraud and financial irregularities. At the same time, the forensic procedure is quite complex and requires a large amount of knowledge in the field of accounting, analysis, auditing, taxation, finance, computer technology, law and more. Therefore, an important place in the application of forensics belongs to the professional judgment of the specialist, which is based on a set of knowledge, skills, experience and ability to model the situation, taking into account the facts.


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How to Cite
Melnychuk, I. (2021). FORENSIC AS A FORM OF PREVENTION OF FINANCIAL OFFENSES. Economy and Society, (25).