Keywords: development, sustainable development, enterprise, enterprise development management, Sustainable Development Goals


The article is devoted to the topical issues of identification of modern approaches to ensuring sustainable development of the enterprise. It was investigated characteristic peculiarities of the development of enterprise in modern conditions, in particular non-linearity, resourcefulness (alternatives), stochasticity, non-redistributiveness, constructive role of chaos (mess), accidental originality of the new. The essence of the categories «development» and «enterprise development» is explained. Theories of development of organizations, etc. are reviewed. Various aspects of ensuring sustainable development of the economic system are investigated by the world scientific community. For Ukraine, the implementation of the sustainable development of elements concept is also relevant in view of the globalization and integration processes. That is why further research is required aspects of the management of enterprise development as a prerequisite for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. It is stated that each enterprise must adapt to change, improving their production programs, logistics infrastructure, commercial, sales policy, forming strategies for the long term, etc. The most important process of the enterprise on the way to this is the development of the enterprise since it is the basic premise, which provides the entry into the market or maintaining their positions on the current markets. At this time, the external environment of each business entity is characterized by the speed of change, which is highly predictable. Namely, for this purpose, the activity of the enterprise should be focused on creating the conditions for its continuous development. Practice shows that the most successful are those enterprises that pay significant attention to improving its competitive position. It was found that today Ukrainian enterprises need to form a system of enterprise management on the basis of the sustainable development. Since this management contributes to ensuring the financial stability, competitiveness and effective functioning in the markets, It also enables the organization of production aimed at reducing harmful emissions into the atmosphere, improving the working conditions of employees and the social level of the population as a whole. Ukraine has formed a framework for ensuring sustainable development in line with the global Sustainable Development Goals.


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How to Cite
Voronko-Nevidnycha, T., KovalО., & Koloda, O. (2021). ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT AS A NECESSARY CONDITION FOR ACHIEVING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Economy and Society, (25). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-25-80

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