Keywords: agriculture, innovation, technology innovation, innovation marketing, marketing innovation


In the article it is proposed to distinguish two components of innovative marketing in the management system of an agricultural enterprise: marketing of innovations (product-innovation: biological innovations; technology-innovation: technical, technological and chemical innovations; innovation-service: social, economic, and organizational innovations) and innovations in marketing (innovations in the commodity, price, communication and sales policy of an agricultural enterprise). Based on these components, we analyzed the tools that agricultural companies have already used to improve their competitiveness. The Ukrainian agricultural sector is a rather conservative sphere of the domestic economy. In agriculture, new strains of animals and plants may be developed. But the creation of innovative products does not lead to the emergence of radically new species, but only improves existing ones. At the same time, today it is difficult to imagine agricultural enterprises without innovative technologies. The article considers the use of geographic information systems and GPS technologies, satellite monitoring, drones, and aerial photography. Based on a large array of data that helps to collect these technical and technological solutions, special software has been developed, even with the involvement of artificial intelligence in the decision-making process. Scientific and technical development of agriculture allows introducing automation of agricultural product harvesting, sowing processes, weeding, irrigation, etc. These technologies make it easier to track, control, and conduct agricultural activities almost without the intervention of workers. Modern developments in the field of chemical innovations are aimed at improving the safety of fertilizers for the environment and reducing the negative impact on soils, etc. Subsequent studies will be devoted to generalizing the system of innovative marketing tools and defining the mechanism of implementation in the management system of an agricultural enterprise.


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