Keywords: document flow, document management, legislative acts, literary sources, definition of the term, interpretation of the content, workflow, works of Ukrainian scholars


The study of the conceptual and categorical apparatus was, is and will remain relevant and urgent. The purpose of the article is to study the interpretation of the term "document flow" in legislative acts and literary sources, as well as to analyze and summarize its essence and content in the works of Ukrainian scientists. The study is based on the application of general scientific methods: systematic, logical, analytical, induction, deduction, as well as the methods of theoretical generalization, classification and grouping; the results of the study are presented using the graphical method. The article analyzes the definitions of the terms "document flow" and "document circulation" in 46 sources (5 – legal acts and 41 – literary sources). It was found out that until 19.07.2022 there was no definition of the term "document flow" at the legislative level, it was used only in specialized regulatory documents on the organization of accounting, and the concept of "document flow" was used mainly. In the literature, the use of the term "document flow" also prevailed (90% of the studied sources), but it was considered as a "process", and as a "system", and as a "path", and as a "promotion", etc., but despite the variety of interpretations, the content of document flow in 73% is the movement of documents. When interpreting the essence of the concept "document flow", its understanding as the movement of documents prevails (67%), although there is a definition as a system of preparation and processing of documents (33%). Declaration of the definition of the term "document flow" in the Law of Ukraine "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" should put an end to the controversy and appropriateness of its use and establish its content as the movement of primary documents from the moment they are created by the company or received from other companies until they are transferred to the archive after being accepted for accounting. The practical significance of the research results lies in a thorough analysis of the nature and content of the terms "document flow" and "document circulation" in a significant number of sources of predecessor researchers, which will allow future scholars to use the results already obtained by the authors of this work.


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How to Cite
Puhachenko, O., Zarudna, N., & Kundeus, O. (2023). DEFINITION OF THE TERM "DOCUMENT FLOW" IN LEGISLATION AND LITERATURE. Economy and Society, (47).