Keywords: biogas, biomethane, experience, benefits, subsidies, subsidiesquotas


The article is devoted to the study of the characteristic features of biogas production in European countries. The main directions of the development of stimulating the production and processing of biogas in the leading countries of the European continent have been studied. It has been established that the European economic system is predominantly linear in its structure, which leads to environmental and human health impacts, inefficient use of natural resources and excessive dependence on resources from outside Europe. It is emphasized that the separation of waste production from economic growth is crucial for the transition to a new type of economic system. It is determined that the formation of effective methods of handling agricultural waste and converting it into biomass energy available to people can not only alleviate the current global energy crisis, but also improve the environment of agricultural production, effectively protect the ecology of the environment, and at the same time make a significant contribution to reducing carbon emissions. It has been established that the main types of incentives for the development of biogas production in Europe are: capital subsidies, grants or discounts, which provide for one-time payments by governments to cover interest from capital investment costs; investment or production tax credits; tax reduction, which is applied to the purchase (or production) of technologies for the use of renewable energy sources; state investments, loans or grants for the development of infrastructure and the implementation of projects in the field of bioenergy. The use of the above-mentioned tools is associated with the use of significant amounts of budget funds. It was determined that the development of biogas production in Ukraine should be based on the most effective practices of European countries and take into account the realities of wartime and include: the development of public-private partnerships in the field of biogas production through a system of compensation for the cost of equipment for biogas plants produced in Ukraine in the amount of 60 % of cost; establishment of quotas for the use of biomethane in the amount of 10% of consumption by industrial enterprises; establishment of compensation of 40% of the cost of construction of cogeneration plants that will operate on biogas; compensation for the cost of purchasing small biogas plants for private peasant farms at the expense of the funds allocated to subsidies; exemption from the tax burden of enterprises that will produce biogas from the waste of the main production (distilleries, agricultural enterprises, sugar factories).


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