Keywords: financial relations, financial policy, financial system, sphere, subsystem, scientific approach, potential, structuring, functionality, purposefulness


The article is devoted to substantiation of the importance of updating the theoretical and methodological model of changes in the functioning and development of the financial system, taking into account the modern dynamics of internal and external environments. It is proved that despite the special influence of globalization, which in the XXI century acquired a digital basis, which led to changes in the functioning of financial institutions and the financial system as a whole, on the basis of compliance of the possibilities of digitalization with the goals of the financial system, they are insufficient beyond the full implementation of the theoretical and methodological foundations that form the content and architecture of the financial system. Along with the existence of discrepancies in the definition of the financial system, mixing its essential and meaningful content, ignoring the spatial aspect, the lack of use of the concept of "subsystem" in the definition of the financial system and its structuring has been established. Understanding of subsystems as system-forming forms of organization of financial relations and their ability to be organized within the financial system into independent systems ensures systemic interconnectedness of all processes that occur here, without losing their features and independence, but strengthening the joint impact on the functioning of the financial system. Extrapolation of these conclusions to the level of definition of the concept of "financial system" contributed to its refinement due to the decomposition of the system into subsystems and their attribution to the criteria for its structuring. Within the framework of this concept of methodology, an underestimation of the structural approach in the study of internal sources of development and ensuring the consistency and integrity of the financial system is established. The optimal combination in its composition of individual subsystems is inseparable from its tasks and the qualitative characteristics of these subsystems, according to which they can be accumulative, risky, basic, additional or strategic, but included in the system of financial policy tasks. The argumentation of the system-structural approach to the formation and optimization of the structure of the financial system will contribute to strengthening the potential of its functioning and strategic development and combining the effects of scientific validity and practice.


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