Keywords: administrative management, business ethics, management practices, strategic management, organizational culture, corporate responsibility, management effectiveness, professional development, leadership, corporate culture


This article examines the current state and future prospects of administrative management and business ethics in Ukraine. The relevance of this research lies in Ukraine's efforts to improve management structures and develop ethical business practices amidst socio-political transformations. The aim of the study is to explore potential scenarios and provide recommendations for the development of administrative management and business ethics in the country. The following methods were employed: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, and literature review. The research results indicate a complex interplay of factors shaping administrative management and business ethics in Ukraine, including corruption, weak regulatory frameworks, and cultural peculiarities. However, there are also promising trends such as new initiatives from civil society, legal reforms, and international partnerships aimed at promoting transparency and accountability. Administrative management and business ethics are integral components of organizational success in today's business landscape. By leveraging the latest trends in administrative management and adhering to high ethical standards, businesses can achieve sustainable growth, build trust with stakeholders, and positively impact society. Based on these research findings, a series of recommendations have been proposed for policymakers, business leaders, and representatives of civil society aimed at strengthening administrative management and fostering the development of a culture of business ethics. These recommendations encompass legislative reforms, capacity-building measures, public awareness campaigns, and cross-sectoral cooperation. In conclusion, while Ukraine faces significant challenges in administrative management and business ethics, there are tangible avenues for improvement. By implementing the proposed recommendations and engaging in ongoing dialogue and research, Ukraine can enhance management effectiveness, promote ethical business conduct, and contribute to sustainable development. Prospects for further research include conducting longitudinal studies to assess the impact of political interventions, comparative analysis with other countries with transitional economies, and exploring the role of technology in promoting transparency and accountability.


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