Keywords: agrotourism, agrotourism product, service, demand, place, region


The article explores the essence of the agrotourism product, examines its differences from the rural tourism product, features of formation and new concepts in its development. The agro-tourism product is distinguished by its unique complexity, as it combines not only the area, but also the variety of services provided to tourists. At the same time, the importance of both tangible and intangible components of the agro-tourism product is noted. The attractiveness of the natural environment, the availability of services, objects and inventory, accommodation and food, as well as the possibility of spending free time, are recognized as the main elements of an agro-tourism product that form its attractiveness and competitiveness from the point of view of customers. It is worth noting the key feature of the agrotourism product - its formation taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the economic entity engaged in agriculture. This means the use of an appropriate lodging base and the results of agricultural labor. An important aspect in the formation of an agritourism product is its dependence on demand, which is based on customer segmentation and the tourist potential of both the farm itself and the corresponding tourist destination. No less important is the possibility of forming an agro-tourism product outside the boundaries of the farm, both on the territory of the corresponding settlement and in its further surroundings, as well as the personalization of the tourist offer, which contributes to the enrichment of the tourist product, increasing its quality and variety of services for customers. The importance of cooperation between local entrepreneurs and local authorities in the process of forming and promoting an agro-tourism product on the market is also highlighted. This contributes to the creation of an integrated tourist offer, which has the potential to attract more tourists and contribute to the economic development of the region. Particular attention is paid to the gastronomic component of agritourism, which gives tourists the opportunity not only to enjoy the delicious and authentic cuisine of local regions, but also to learn about their culture, history and traditions through food.


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How to Cite
Lypchuk, V., & Lypchuk, N. (2024). FEATURES OF AN AGRO-TOURISTIC PRODUCT. Economy and Society, (61). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-61-27