Keywords: management, government management, management work, managerial activity of the manager, legal relation of management work


The article is devoted to topical issues of legal regulation of management work. Management work is a very complex area that exists in various spheres of society, at the state level, individual administrative-territorial units, enterprises, institutions and organizations. In conditions of building the legal government of Ukraine, the topic of legal regulation of management work is extremely relevant. Scientists draw attention to the key role of this activity in society and the state. It ensures the self-preservation, existence and development of society. Also, the role of effective management work of workers, who manages with the necessary scientific knowledge, in particular in the field of law, certain functional, informational, decision-making skills, is growing every day. Elements of professional management work in market relations have contained for a long time already legal, technological, organizational and technical, educational and methodological components, as well as skills in managing the organization. Unfortunately, the legal regulation of management work today does not fully meet the functions assigned to the manager. The law that regulates management work are not yet quite perfect, not systemic and contain contradictions. Legal regulation of management work requires improvement and research, because the prospects for the development of management activities play an important role in the work of the manager in any field. The article analyzes different approaches to the definition of the concept of «management activity», provides a definition of the legal regulation of management work, legal support of management activities, government regulation. The relationship between the concepts of management activity and government regulation is investigated. The article analyzes the current state of the legal support of management activities and characterizes the current problems in this area, formulated proposals for the further improvement of the legal support of management activities. The issue of legal support of management activities in the successful functioning of the state is an urgent issue of the present time, because relations that forms management activities arise, develop and stop to exist at all levels of government in the state.


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How to Cite
Chanysheva, G., & Nanieva, M. (2021). LEGAL REGULATION OF MANAGEMENT WORK. Economy and Society, (30).