Keywords: СOVID-19 pandemic, risk barrier, international business, international market, strategic vector


The article examines the current state of the international business market. Expert opinions on the forecast of the impact of major risks on the activities of international business enterprises are determined. According to them, at the end of 2020, the global economic situation will be close to recession: the international market will face a reduction in exports, imports, GDP. The influence of postcovid factors is determined and variable determinants of risk in modern conditions are determined. Analysts of the banking and brokerage company Charles Schwab have determined that the coming 2021 prepares 5 risks for international investors. The strategic analysis of the modern market of the international business with application of various applied methods and receptions is carried out. The analysis showed that international enterprises are mostly influenced by economic and political factors, due to the fact that a certain amount of materials needed for production is purchased from abroad, so the exchange rate, purchasing power, tax policy and political vector of development have an impact on production costs. . Although the social and technological factors have a slightly smaller impact, they are still above average. Weaknesses and strengths have been identified. The main results of this analysis are to identify the problems of international business in Ukraine. It is necessary to note the strengths, among which are: highly qualified, experienced staff, knowledgeable in their field; modern rolling stock, equipment, materials, its own customer base. These strengths are the main competitive advantage of many Ukrainian companies engaged in international transportation, which allow them to continue to compete in the market and have development. Strategic development is studied, which gave grounds to establish that the chosen strategy of international market development is quite promising and aimed at taking into account the newly created risks. It is on the basis of research results that the levels of the risk barrier in modern postcocious conditions are formed, thus enabling a rapid response to transformations in the internal and external environment.


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How to Cite
Kompanets, K., Ilchenko, V., & Lozhachevska, O. (2021). RISK BARRIER IN THE FIELD OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (31). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-31-51